How We May Reduce Overpopulation and why we must find room or reduce density with time bought by the motifs of this site, ect..because of increased Competition for decreased Resources, and eventually not enough room to move or breathe. {Click here for Overpopulation and Its Historic Influence.}
The above, the Supply and Demand motif, and some of my engineering ideas below are what I think we all should know and deserve to know, even more than the web because it's our whole life about Supply and Demand, no life exists without resources and competition.
Of the plans here, I've listed them in terms of feasability and other considerations;
CRISPR...About overpopulation I believe it could be reduced by the CRISPR method of cheap gene editing. The beauty of the CRISPR method is it seems to be completely reversible. Instead of going to a doom of more desperate competition for reduced resources as Malthus believed, the world would be headed to a golden age like ancient greece or the 15 hundreds with low density, and I believe the communist countries paradoxically without as much restraint and also the deep need to reduce might use the method of CRISPR before the noncommunist nations, so they might lead the way to greater health. Suicide is the main cause of death for chinese under 30 years old, and this would seem by the severe strain caused by the overpopulation there, i.e. increased competition for decreased resources per person. If the world was at level like seen for millions of years in evolution, the genes for more families would be revived to just the right rate so the possibility of huge collapse like seems more probable these days if the overpopulation continues would be safely reduced.
You may say "but isn't more always better, overcrowding is no problem". But just because we like or don't like something doesn't make it true or untrue. This is often the idea of disinformation on the web. "They don't like it so it must not be true". The balance of resources and competition is so fundamental like how much land per person there is truth there if we are wise and obey it's deeper value than what some like if not ever found in evolution. No other life than man has hunted for sport because as I say on my main post this would make the life that did so so inefficient in general they wouldn't be able to compete. I believe general harm to the world is unviable. Evolution is a treasure not a victim. Certainly she wasn't for millions of billions of years.
*****COMPUTER BEHAVIOR CHANGES..The best way for the early 21st century may actually be via computers. They may eventually have these so good at virtual reality we would live in the city, and actually think we are in the country. Changing the idea of living in the city reducing many of the problems would be because of my explanation of the evolution of behavior (See post above on this site). The essence of overcrowding for now is about behaviour, in research with animals the behaviour that puts the limit on the overcrowding starts long before the food runs out. Behaviour precedes the physical changes, this is the essence of behaviour. Because evolution had an exactly established level of overcrowding for millions of years, the behaviour is the essence of smartness, it makes people stressed or not, without having to die. The symbols become the territory, and it's better to live with bad behaviour than starve, this is like the tradeoff of civilization for more lack of cooperation like found in the wild for millions of years. This would be a way of life more like evolution was. Computer cyber evolution of this sort could be cheaper, and thus of great worth to us, but it wouldn't actually create more places to live. So we would still have to reduce the overpopulation due to starvation sooner or later and the motifs on this site to win more time to reduce it by other methods I believe may be of real worth as per in more detail in the post above via the link above.
Popular Mechanics (May 2008 page 54) describes "Augumented Reality" where a Professor at the interACT research center at Carnegie Mellon University has built a prototype digital camera that picks out road signs and billboards from a scene and translates the words in type to another language.
If overcrowding and it's attendant overstimulation are causing stress like the debt, this invention or an audio version that would delete the noise that may cause the strain may have great importance to our survival. Songs on the radio might improve a lot (I miss the wiser sounding songs) the debt would be reduced, doctors would return to do house calls, and people who live in the cities would sleep better, and so on. Click Here; it's my own awesome site about how conversations may be improved with this science, I had this idea years before the current issue of Popular Mechanics.
OPSINS...small cellular pumps that act like electrodes may be of worth to change behavior, eg. to cure addictions by rewiring the pleasure centers of the brain, and to cure mental illness as an article in Scientific American Feb 2011 tells us. Another use might be to change people's tendency to be procreative more than in evolution to reduce the stress being caused by evolution to sounder levels before the worse problem of no room to move or breathe is found. Click here for more about opsins.
**** GO UNDERGROUND: People have been living underground in urban realms long before the metro, for example they've been digging up a few more cities of rooms where 20,000 people lived underground in ancient Cappadocia (in Asia Minor) about 20 of these ancient cities have been found. There's 600 times as much room to live inside the Earth's mantle as on the surface. For a modern blast, drilling down many parallel wells and blasting out large rooms with conventional or other explosives may be of worth. Reblasting would be used to pulverise the rock, and then cleansing out the rock (this could always be built where gold and other commodities could be found to mine the rock at the top of the well and then used for other purposes). The wells would be side by side so the blasts would be near enough to form continous tubular rooms. Another way to make the rooms would be with large tunneling machines, or other machines to remove the blasted out rock. As materials like protons held in high tensile strength by the alternation of their N and S poles compressed by the strong force so they would be stronger than other materials (the proton solid) are improved and made cheaper, cheap super strong room liners could be built.
****BUILD UP. Cities of evolved levels of room per occupant built up would be supported by strong materials, cheaper than living in orbiting space stations with prices of the year 2000 estimated at a million per space station roomer. And they would be flimsy with explosion, collision, war, and so on making them a huge risk. Near us Scientific American says elevators that go sideways and in high rise buildings are in the offing. To build above present cities would take improved strength of materials, the strength of materials needed to achieve the amount of stability of support the earth below us allows. With a lower overall density of buildings this would take materials like the proton solid (or composite materials of both proton wires and more common materials would be of worth, the cash is richer on the higher sign!). The Proton Solid, because of its super strength per pound would also be super light, so whole high rise cities might be built. Strong materials like this may be the only way to build up from the ground by beams that would support the large rooms to live in. If hadron solids or other superstrong materials turn out to be unviable, the use of moderately strong materials with lift combined with the supersolids may be more optimum.
Finally, if the atomic motor and other such high speed transportation science is viable,it would be much easier to travel to and from the moon and mars. If the atomic motor or other motifs are unviable, of the more earthbound plans, the buildup, opsins or CFISPR would be of most import! Even if all the other science fails, we would still have this option for more land when we may find real worth to have enough food and where to live. Building near the surface of the earth may be the most feasable way to actually win, and why the 21st century looks like the 22nd to many who read Operah and say OOOO and AHHH!
More about evolution and Overcrowding..
*****COMPUTER BEHAVIOR CHANGES..The best way for the early 21st century may actually be via computers. They may eventually have these so good at virtual reality we would live in the city, and actually think we are in the country. Changing the idea of living in the city reducing many of the problems would be because of my explanation of the evolution of behavior (See post above on this site). The essence of overcrowding for now is about behaviour, in research with animals the behaviour that puts the limit on the overcrowding starts long before the food runs out. Behaviour precedes the physical changes, this is the essence of behaviour. Because evolution had an exactly established level of overcrowding for millions of years, the behaviour is the essence of smartness, it makes people stressed or not, without having to die. The symbols become the territory, and it's better to live with bad behaviour than starve, this is like the tradeoff of civilization for more lack of cooperation like found in the wild for millions of years. This would be a way of life more like evolution was. Computer cyber evolution of this sort could be cheaper, and thus of great worth to us, but it wouldn't actually create more places to live. So we would still have to reduce the overpopulation due to starvation sooner or later and the motifs on this site to win more time to reduce it by other methods I believe may be of real worth as per in more detail in the post above via the link above.
Popular Mechanics (May 2008 page 54) describes "Augumented Reality" where a Professor at the interACT research center at Carnegie Mellon University has built a prototype digital camera that picks out road signs and billboards from a scene and translates the words in type to another language.
If overcrowding and it's attendant overstimulation are causing stress like the debt, this invention or an audio version that would delete the noise that may cause the strain may have great importance to our survival. Songs on the radio might improve a lot (I miss the wiser sounding songs) the debt would be reduced, doctors would return to do house calls, and people who live in the cities would sleep better, and so on. Click Here; it's my own awesome site about how conversations may be improved with this science, I had this idea years before the current issue of Popular Mechanics.
OPSINS...small cellular pumps that act like electrodes may be of worth to change behavior, eg. to cure addictions by rewiring the pleasure centers of the brain, and to cure mental illness as an article in Scientific American Feb 2011 tells us. Another use might be to change people's tendency to be procreative more than in evolution to reduce the stress being caused by evolution to sounder levels before the worse problem of no room to move or breathe is found. Click here for more about opsins.
**** GO UNDERGROUND: People have been living underground in urban realms long before the metro, for example they've been digging up a few more cities of rooms where 20,000 people lived underground in ancient Cappadocia (in Asia Minor) about 20 of these ancient cities have been found. There's 600 times as much room to live inside the Earth's mantle as on the surface. For a modern blast, drilling down many parallel wells and blasting out large rooms with conventional or other explosives may be of worth. Reblasting would be used to pulverise the rock, and then cleansing out the rock (this could always be built where gold and other commodities could be found to mine the rock at the top of the well and then used for other purposes). The wells would be side by side so the blasts would be near enough to form continous tubular rooms. Another way to make the rooms would be with large tunneling machines, or other machines to remove the blasted out rock. As materials like protons held in high tensile strength by the alternation of their N and S poles compressed by the strong force so they would be stronger than other materials (the proton solid) are improved and made cheaper, cheap super strong room liners could be built.
****BUILD UP. Cities of evolved levels of room per occupant built up would be supported by strong materials, cheaper than living in orbiting space stations with prices of the year 2000 estimated at a million per space station roomer. And they would be flimsy with explosion, collision, war, and so on making them a huge risk. Near us Scientific American says elevators that go sideways and in high rise buildings are in the offing. To build above present cities would take improved strength of materials, the strength of materials needed to achieve the amount of stability of support the earth below us allows. With a lower overall density of buildings this would take materials like the proton solid (or composite materials of both proton wires and more common materials would be of worth, the cash is richer on the higher sign!). The Proton Solid, because of its super strength per pound would also be super light, so whole high rise cities might be built. Strong materials like this may be the only way to build up from the ground by beams that would support the large rooms to live in. If hadron solids or other superstrong materials turn out to be unviable, the use of moderately strong materials with lift combined with the supersolids may be more optimum.
Finally, if the atomic motor and other such high speed transportation science is viable,it would be much easier to travel to and from the moon and mars. If the atomic motor or other motifs are unviable, of the more earthbound plans, the buildup, opsins or CFISPR would be of most import! Even if all the other science fails, we would still have this option for more land when we may find real worth to have enough food and where to live. Building near the surface of the earth may be the most feasable way to actually win, and why the 21st century looks like the 22nd to many who read Operah and say OOOO and AHHH!
More about evolution and Overcrowding..